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[TH] Style Switch

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [TH] Style Switch 1.0.0 Patch Level 4

TH Style Switch-1.webp

TH Style Switch-2.webp

Do your users prefer dark mode or light mode? Users who have a preference have probably set it in their operating system - like in the latest iOS, Android, Windows 10 and more - so let your site detect their preference and automatically give them the style they prefer with Style Switch! Plus, with a simple toggle, your visitors can seamlessly switch without reloading!

Here are some of our dark and light themes that would work well with Style Switch:

UI.X 2 - UI.X 2 Dark
Drift - Drift Dark
iO - iO Dark Mode
UI.X Classic - UI.X Classic Dark

Administrator Features
  • Easily select light, dark, and default styles
  • Load additional stylesheets with light and dark styles
  • Enable or disable color mode auto-detect for one style
  • Adjust the dark & light mode toggle position
User Features
  • Preferred style is automatically selected based on the dark & light mode detected from supported devices and browsers
  • Provides a simple toggle switch to allow users to make their own choice
  • Smoothly transition between similar styles without reloading
Version 1.0.0 Patch Level 4 Changes : Fixed an issue that caused font-based icons to disappear.


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