• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
[TH] XLink for XPress

XF 2.0 / 2.1 [TH] XLink for XPress 1.0.6

Easily link and manage platforms to XenForo in one place.

TH XLink for XPress-1.webp

  • Introduced XLink as new platform management tool
    • XLink is now available for download in your ThemeHouse client area, if you’re an owner of XPress. Please be advised, that moving forward, XLink will be a requirement to run XPress.
    • Find more information on XLink in our documentation.
  • Introduced user group mapping
    • You can now set up 1 to 1 relations for user groups from within your XLink platform manager.
    • User groups are mapped from the primary XenForo user group to the WordPress role only.
  • The featured article image may now be used as thread cover.
  • The XPress theme now submits native WordPress comments via ajax to save a full page reload.
  • A row of new functional tags has been introduced to handle different functionality:
    • Tagging an article with redirect-wp will automatically redirect the XenForo thread to the WordPress post.
    • Tagging an article with redirect-xf will automatically redirect the WordPress post to the XenForo thread.
    • Tagging an article with bb-code allows you to use BB Codes within the article. Please be advised that this disables native Shortcode rendering and HTML rendering.
    • Functional tags can be hidden from frontend display with a newly introduced style property.
  • A new default prefix option has been introduced. The selected prefix will be automatically applied to all threads created by XPress that are eligible to have the selected prefix.
  • User signatures can now be hidden in blog comments.
  • WordPress users are now banned when their XenForo counterparts are.
  • WordPress profiles may now be redirected to XenForo profiles.
  • A new front page listing style “masonry” has been added.
  • WordPress usernames, and biography may now be replaced with the linked XenForo accounts counterpart information.
  • You are now redirected to the WordPress edit page when having the correct permission to edit the post after promoting an article.
  • A number of XenForo ad positions have been added to the XPress theme.
  • XPress no longer logs WordPress warnings and notices.
  • Added a new front page specific Widget sidebar to the XPress theme.

Please see the documentation for how to upgrade from XPress 1.0.0 Patch Level 5 to XPress 1.1.0.

Version 1..0.6 Changes :

Improved error reporting for easier troubleshooting. Please also check out the new [troubleshooting section in our documentation](https://www.themehouse.com/help/documentation/xlink/troubleshooting)
XF 2.1  [TH] UI.X Pro  1.0.3
XF 2.1  [XTR] Modal Popups  1.0.1


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