• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
Threadmarks Pro

XF 2.1 Threadmarks Pro 2.5.11

Tagging specific posts in a thread so they can be easily navigated to.

This is useful for long threads discussing a topic over a lengthy period of time and many pages. A threadmark allows a user to quickly jump to a specific post which is related to a certain event, date, or whatever is relevant to the thread.

Optionally this allows building an 'index' of posts and allows easy next/previous navigation between marked posts. A threadmark index can then be attached to a threadmark list for additional information and statuses.

Requires XenForo 2.0.10+

Reader mode :
  • Only show threadmarked posts for a thread
  • Support custom posts per page in reader mode
  • Global on/off switch
RSS Feed :
  • Per-thread-per-category RSS feed, with global option to disable.
Threadmarks :
  • Can create a threadmark on thread create or post reply.
  • Can create a threadmark from an 'add threadmark' button on each post.
  • Can edit a threadmark on editing a post.
  • Supports soft-deleting or unapproving threadmarks (ie approval queue support)
  • Next/Previous navigation
Threadmark List :
  • Provides a list of threadmarks on the thread.
  • Handle large number of threadmarks on an index but only displaying a range.
  • Provide a dynamic loader to fetch more threadmarks when the user clicks the filler slot.
  • Configurable limits for standalone threadmark list or embedded into a thread view.
Threadmark Index :
  • A thread profile like feature.
    • Icon/graphic
    • Overall description
    • Statistics
  • Permissions on the user is permitted to add links/images to the description.
  • Permissions on "additional links" which allow blessed link formats (ie link matching a patreon regex) to be listed to the side of the description.
  • Can create a threadmark index on thread create.
  • Supports soft-deleting or unapproving threadmarks(ie approval queue support)
Per-forum options :
  • Require threadmark on thread create.
  • Require threadmark index on thread create.
  • Embed threadmark index in first page of 'reader mode' thread or normal mode.
Linking Threads via Threadmark index :
  • Threads can be added to an existing threadmark index, and sorted in preferred display order on the threadmark list.
  • Permission controlled
New Threadmark widget :
  • Flexible ability to only show new threadmarks with configurable limits;
    • Only show a threadmark if it is from a watched thread or forum.
    • Only show a threadmark if it is from a permitted list of forums.
    • Only show unread.
Options :

Threadmarks Pro-1.webp


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