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XF Style Titan 2.3.4


Titan for xenforo 2

Titan is the ultimate gaming theme, based upon a large wallpaper image which is blurred behind textured navigation and category bars. Assign up to 6 background images via the theme settings to completely change the colour scheme, and let your members choose their favourite from a predefined selection !

DEMO : Xenforo Themes - Titan - XenFocus

Version 2.2.0 : Upgraded for xenforo 2.2.0, including minor bug fixes from past bug reports.

Version Upgraded for 2.2.1, plus minor bug fixes :
Upgraded for xenforo 2.2.1
Article nodes, Question nodes and Suggestion nodes now have unique icons to distinguish them from regular Discussion nodes
An incorrect Italian translation for Sticky Threads has been corrected

Upgraded for 2.2.4, plus minor bug fixes and improvements
Upgraded for Xenforo 2.2.4.
The [BS] Live forum statistics addon should now be formatted correctly.
The alignment of arrows in the secondary navigation bar has been improved.
All node icons now respect the Xenfocus: Node icons > “New content” icon weight Style Property.
The Alerts icon in the user bar now has a tooltip, matching all of the other icons.

Version 2.2.8 Upgraded for xenforo 2.2.8 : A minor change to the PAGE_CONTAINER template file, introduced in the 2.2.8 Xenforo update, was applied.

Version 2.2.9 :
- Upgraded for Xenforo 2.2.9.
- The breadcrumb navigation bar can now wrap links if necessary.
- Long usernames are no longer truncated in the user panel

Version 2.2.10 : This theme is compatible with Xenforo 2.2.10 and requires no further updates.

Version 2.2.12 numerous bug fixes :
- Upgraded for Xenforo 2.2.12.
- Fixed a Turkish language string in the guest message.
- Added Brazilian Portuguese phrases.
- The “Online statistics” widget on the “Current visitors” page is now using the correct icon.
- The “Mobile navigation bar?” setting in the Customizer no longer appears if the “Xenfocus: Mobile navigation bar > Enable mobile navigation bar?” setting is disabled.

Version 2.2.13 :
- Upgraded for Xenforo 2.2.13.
- Fixed an error when trying to disable the Mega Footer in the admin panel.

Version 2.2.15 :
- Upgraded for Xenforo 2.2.15
- Fixed an issue where the main content area could be misaligned in 3rd party apps

Version 2.3.3 Upgraded for xenforo 2.3.x :
- Upgraded for xenforo 2.3.x
- This update introduces a new light mode for Titan, included for free as part of this update.

Version 2.3.4 : Upgraded for xenforo 2.3.4
XF Style  Villain  2.3.4
XF 2.3  HeBeLe Theme  2.3.4 Beta 1


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