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[tl] Image Optimizer for XF 2.x

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 [tl] Image Optimizer for XF 2.x 2.1.6

I high recommend you use the following guide to made the job run as scheduled.
Trigger deferred.php Via Shell Crontab
  • Add-on have provide a powerful settings in ACP options. You MUST settings option before running optimize images.
  • All files will be overwrite then you cannot revert the file to original.
Optimizing all images which stored in XenForo to lower size and do not loss quality.

Features :
  • Ability config compress options of each library
  • Limit items per job running.
  • Logs page to show all images was compressed
  • Run check library in options page.
Supported :
  • XenForo default attachments
  • Image Proxy Cache
Options :

tl Image Optimizer for XF 2x-1.webp

tl Image Optimizer for XF 2x-2.webp

Version 2.0.3 Notable changes
: Fixed install scripts.
Version 2.0.4 Notable changes : Allow skip optimize images of some specific user groups.
Version 2.0.5 :
Notable changes :
Allow skip optimize images in specific types.
Breaking changes : You must update binary path to valid path after update to this version. In previous version you can leave binary path as empty.
Version 2.0.6 Notable changes :
Allow prune old logs
Allow save last run info. Add-on will start to run from specific ID.
Show more stats info
Version 2.0.7 Notable changes : Fixed warning access property error.
Version 2.0.8 Notable changes : Fixed cannot test binary path.

Version 2.0.9 Notable changes :
Remove file not found error logging.
Support exclude optimize images from specific forums

Version 2.1.0 Notable changes : Fixed cannot get optimized image file size in some cases

Version 2.1.1 Notable changes : Improvement to fetch file stats

Version 2.1.2 Notable changes : Improvement to get temp files.

Version 2.1.3 Notable changes :
Updated install scripts
Bump pngquant to version 3.0.1
Bump jpegoptim to version 1.5.1
Bump gifsicle to version 1.93
Required Rust v1.5.6 or higher
Note : This add-on was tested with above library version; other version may not work well and your images may not optimized in some cases.

Version 2.1.4 Notable changes : Removed log file not found.

Version 2.1.5 Notable changes :
Added new tools to test with optimize image options. You can see it at: ACP -> Tools -> [tl] Image Optimizer: Test images
Added new option: Only optimize images which its has size at least X kilobytes (KB)
Support optimize image in fly; optimize as soon as user upload images.
Improvement processing images.

Version 2.1.6 Notable changes : Fixed stats not updated.
XF 2.1  Reverse Post Order  1.0.1


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