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XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 [tl] Schedule Content for XF 2.x 2.2.0

This addon allows the user to set a scheduled post.
When a thread was scheduled, only the view for the admin, mod and thread owner can view it :)
- Admin or Mod (who have permission to do so) can stop the thread from being scheduled.

  • Support invisible (thread don't display before publishing) and locked (thread don't allow reply before expiring)
  • Support send alerts to user.
  • Support changing owner of thread. (Supported 1.2.1)
  • Allow set default scheduled time and custom scheduled time. (Supported 1.2.1)
  • Support 12 hours or 24 hours format.
  • Allow each group user can add scheduled thread
  • Allow each group user can edit scheduled thread
  • Allow each group user can view scheduled thread although thread still don't publishing
  • Allow each group user can view list of scheduled threads.
How to use:

- Install Addon
- Set permission for each group user can set scheduled post
- Set permssion for each group can edit scheduled

Live for test: XenForo Store: Themes, add-ons and supporting

Version 2.0.0 Notable changes:
Bump required XenForo 2.2.0
or higher to use this version
Refactor add-on and change the add-on workflow.
Support schedule more actions.
Lock thread
Update thread title
Delete thread (soft)
Delete post (soft)

Version 2.0.1 Notable changes:
Fixed render schedule form in disabled forums
Support more schedule thread actions
Unlock thread
Stick thread
Unstick thread

Version 2.0.2 Notable changes: Refactor schedule flow to support mixed actions

Version 2.0.3 Notable changes: Improved input to lock/unlock and stick/unstick thread

Version 2.0.4 Notable changes: Fixed missing argument in template

Version 2.0.5 Notable changes: Fixed input too small in some browsers

Version 2.0.6 Notable changes: Fixed template error missing argument

Version 2.0.7 Notable changes:
Fixed action update thread title not fired
Move schedule input below tags input

Version 2.0.8 Notable changes:
Fixed missing phrases
Fixed invalid JS path

Version 2.0.9 Notable changes: Improvement schedule run

Version 2.1.0 Notable changes: Support display schedules in calendar.
Version 2.1.1 Notable changes:
- Fixed quick edit schedule record save invalid time.
- Improvement to support full calendar.

Version 2.1.2 Notable changes: Fixed approval message notices.
Version 2.1.3 Notable changes: Fixed invalid last edit date info.
Version 2.1.4 Notable changes: Fixed save invalid time for 12AM/PM
Version 2.1.5 Notable changes: Fixed input styles.
Version 2.1.6 Notable changes: Improve load schedule data
Version 2.1.7 Notable changes: Remove unnecessary join tables.
Version 2.2.0 Notable changes: Fixed display incorrect schedule message.
XF 2.1 / 2.2  Ultimate Custom Nodes  2.1.0
XF 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  [Liam W.] Custom Editor Colors  2.2.0


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