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[UW] Smileys Bar

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [UW] Smileys Bar 2.2.2

Smileys Bar for the text editor allows quicker and easier access to the smileys without opening the text area.

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Smileys Bar takes the whole XF smileys default functionality to the next level. The main purpose of this add-on is to add to the bottom of the text editor a bar with the most common, most used smileys (Recently used, XF default smileys/Uncategorized smilies) that are always visible so you have fast, easy and convenient access to them and without covering the text area.

UW Smileys Bar-2.webp

Or see this demo video :


UW Smileys Bar-3.webp

1.) Turns on/off the Smileys Bar - in the admin under Options you can activate this add-on. Once activated, clicking this smiley icon turns on the Smileys Bar. Once turned on, it will stay turned on until you turn it off clicking this smiley icon.

  • Force Open the Smileys Bar
In Setup -> Options -> Smileys Bar you can set the option that will keep the Smileys Bar open for the users all the time by default. So if someone turns off the Smileys Bar, after a page refresh the bar will be back.

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2.) Recently used smileys on the left of the separator and XF default smileys on the right.

3.) Turns on/off the smileys menu.

4.) Smileys Bar - contains Recently used smileys on the left of the separator and XF default smileys on the right.
- in the admin under Content -> Smilies, you can add, hide, move, sort or even replace the smileys in the Smileys Bar with your own, custom smileys.


The rest of the categories is in the smileys menu (#7) below.

5.) categories bar - links with faster access to the the particular category.

6.) search bar - in the admin, under options, you can turn off this bar. The "x" next to the search bar closes found smileys.

7.) smileys menu - works similar way as WhatsApp web. In the admin, under options, you can set up how tall this menu you want to have.

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- you can also hide the smileys menu with the standard Xf feature in Setup -> Options -> Messages


  • all custom categories appear in the smileys menu between the stock categories but not in the Smileys Bar.
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There is however an option to add any smiley from any custom category to the Smileys Bar :

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By default, in the Smileys Bar, will be included whatever smileys are in the category "Uncategorised smilies" and Recently used.

Also during the import process you have the option to check to show a smiley in the Smileys Bar.

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You can control the order of the smileys in the Smileys Bar via the display order number:


  • This add-on is compatible with the add-on, [UW] Forum Comments System.
  • This add-on has been made also compatible with the add-on, Editor & BB Code Manager.

Version 1.6 change :
Some small bug fixes (for the text editor in the admin area, the Smileys Bar was empty) and mostly just a maintenance update. This is already feature complete and a stable version.

Version 1.7 :
In smartphones, when the BBcode was turned off, the Smileys Bar didn't close. So this was fixed.
The phrase for Smileys Bar text was added: uw_smileys_bar

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Version 1.8 :

option in the admin to remove the stock categories from the smileys menu
Some forum admins use just their own custom smileys. They don't use at all the stock XF categories. But in order to see their own custom categories, this option (Setup->Options->Messages->Show emoji in smilie menu ) had to be checked :

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So from this version it is no more needed to have that option checked. You can uncheck it and you still will see your custom categories, without the stock emoji categories.

And if you don't have any custom categories, you will see there only the search bar. And even the search bar you can remove from there (this add-on has a setting for that in the admin area), since you don't have too many smileys, it is not really necessary, so then it might look like this :

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option to allow the admin and end users to move the "Recently used" into the smileys menu with category name Recent.

Some forum admins use many kinds of flashy, animated, extra oversized images as smileys. And for some users, to see all the time in the text editor these bulky flashy images might be irritating. So now the admin has the option to move "Recently used" from the Smileys Bar, to the smileys menu. And keep in the Smileys Bar only static smileys. Or the admin can let the user to decide whether he wants to move the "Recently used" down or not. This is how it looks in admin area :

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This is how it looks for the user in preferences when you check the option for the user to decide whether to move the recently used down , or not :

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This is how it looks when recently used are moved down to the smileys menu (also notice that only custom categories are there without the XF stock emoji categories) :

UW Smileys Bar-17.webp

For some styles the "x" for the search bar was not visible, so this was updated.
selector in uw_smileys_bar.less changed

Version 1.9 :
This version was dedicated especially to those with large custom smileys.
Added option in the admin to set the size and spacing of the custom smiley images in the smileys menu.
In the admin area, for each category of smileys you can set different dimensions and different spacing between images :

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Example. While the stock XF emojis keep their default size and spacing, the animated images below have their size set to 78x44px with spacing of 5px :

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We took the extra mile to make this add-on work great for custom smileys. You can set a specific size and spacing for each of your custom smileys category. Sample on a dark theme :

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Version 2.0 introducing :

A magnifier button on the right side of the Smileys Bar, when selected (in blue colour), will insert xF stock emojis into the text editor in max size, and that is 64px.

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After a page reload, the button will deselect automatically, or press the button again to deselect it.

You can have smaller size, if you want, it is admin configurable :

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And it has also user group permission so you can allow this only for a user group of your choice :

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In the admin you have also the option to turn off this feature. And if you keep it turned on, you can give the end user the option to let him turn it off, if he wants.

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The structure of Smileys Bar has been reworked to better accommodate future updates.

spacing for custom smileys adjusted to support top and bottom.

❗ If you have an older version, it needs to be reinstalled.

Version 2.1.0 :

Option to add any smiley form the smileys menu emojis categories.
In the admin, under Smileys Bar settings (Setup->Options->[UW] Smileys Bar), you can insert any smiley, from the stock emojis categories ( People, Nature, Food, Activity, Travel, Objects, Symbols, Flags ) into the Smileys Bar.
And from Content->Smilies->Uncategorized smilies (these are the Smileys Bar smileys) you can remove any smiley you want.
So this way you can build completely your own Smileys Bar.

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When the "Recently used" category is down in the smileys menu, an option to add smileys width and padding has been added.

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When toggle BB code, the BB code kept multiplying always when you had for example bold text with different size. So this was fixed.

Version 2.1.1 : When toggle BB code, the BB code kept multiplying always when you had text with different color. So this was fixed.

UW - Smileys Bar 2.2.0 for XF 2.2 released
This is a new version of Smileys Bar made for the XF 2.2
It has also a new design :

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Also there is a new way of acquiring of this add-on. It is necesery to contact me via PM (user: xffutureuser ) on XenForo community with request to get the download file. Please also mention your username on ultraweb.co

UW - Smileys Bar version 2.2.1 :
This version fixes various background and border color issues that appeared in different than stock theme.

Version 2.2.2 Fixed : There was a CSS issue with the bottom border when editing threads and when the SB was closed.
XF 2.1 / 2.2  [BS] Bitcoin payment  1.1.1
XF 2.1 / 2.2  [UW] Dropdown Hover Menu  2.1.1


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