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[Xenbros] Node list sidebar widget

XF 2.1 [Xenbros] Node list sidebar widget 1.3.0

Xenbros Node list sidebar widget-1.webp

Want a node list in sidebar as widget then this addon is for you.

Node List Sidebar widget help to get the node tree as a menu form. It’s show the forum up to 2 depth. With this addon users could easily come to the forum/sub forum they want easily just by a click.

– Admin can choose node for display on node list menu.
– Fully support responsive layout.

Xenbros Node list sidebar widget-2.webp

Node List sidebar widget 1.3.0 Fix : Multiple loop on Getting parent ID - No more loop

1 node permission will fix in next Update
2 Session for reload
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB XFRM ad manager  1.0


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