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[XenConcept] Login As User

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 [XenConcept] Login As User 2.1.1

Feature Summary:
  • Send Conversation
  • Login as different user
  • Usergroup permission
This addon allows Connect to another user.

  • Send conversation
    • Conversation title
    • Conversation content
    • Conversation options
  • Login as different user
XenConcept Login As User-1.webp

XenConcept Login As User-2.webp

XenConcept Login As User-3.webp

XenConcept Login As User-4.webp

XenConcept Login As User-5.webp

You can login to a user in the AdminCP

XenConcept Login As User-6.webp

Version 2.0.8 changes:
  • Added a logs system
  • Added new option "Login As User Style".
    • This option allows you to have a custom style when connecting to another user
XenConcept Login As User-7.webp

XenConcept Login As User-8.webp

Version 2.0.8 patch level 1 change: Added a missing phrase: xc_login_as_user

Version 2.0.8 patch level 2 change: Change phrase xc_login_as_user to xc_lau_login_as_user

Version 2.0.9 change:
  • [Bug fix] The "Login As User" button in the staff bar does not display with a some styles
News: Adding a new option Redirect To.
This option allows you to be redirected with the link that you want once connected to the user.

In ACP options:

XenConcept Login As User-9.webp

In login as user form:

XenConcept Login As User-10.webp

Version 2.0.9 patch level 1 change:
[Bug Fix] When connecting to a user "b" then we revert to the user "a" the user style "b" is applied to the user "a"
[Bug Fix] When the user "a" to connect on the user "b" the wrong username is displayed (revert user "c" instead of user "a")

Version 2.0.9 patch level 2 change: [Bug Fix] The "Login as user" button is not displayed in responsive mode.

Version 2.1.0 changes:
  • Add new option revert to
    • This option allows you to be redirected with the link that you want once disconnected to the user.
  • Adding the editor for the reason and message of the conversation.
  • You can now send the conversation directly from the "login as user" form.
XenConcept Login As User-11.webp

XenConcept Login As User-12.webp

XenConcept Login As User-13.webp

Version 2.1.0 patch level 2 change: Fix server error with PHP 7.4

Version 2.1.0 Patch Level 3:
Support XF.2.2
Corrected the spelling of the following sentences

Versio 2.1.0 Patch Level 4: Fix error Cannot save with validation errors. Use validate() to ensure there are no errors.

Version 2.1.1 Fix:
- Fix a pagenav link
- Fix order for logs
- Fix version in addon.json
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Forum password  1.7
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Remove new posts options  1.3


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