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    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
[XenGenTr] Forum statistics system

XF 2.0 / 2.1 [XenGenTr] Forum statistics system 2.0.13

You have already used a different version of this statistic. I am happy to publish the new version with some queries and necessary changes.

XenGenTr Forum statistics system-1.webp

[XenGenTr] statistics - Technical specifications:

This is a widget system with Tamami.
New recent posts.
New issues.
Topics that received the most replies.
Most discussed topics.
Top rated topics.
You can't go out of the box.
1 user statistic requested.
Usernames appear in usergroup colors.
Topic link to search button.
Database modification works with all new additions.
Of course, 100% mobile compatibility.

Insert options:

Usergroups that can view attachments can be restricted.
Unwanted widgets, such as new topics, messages, clicked topics can be disabled.
Member statistics enabled/disabled.
Open/Close in username group color
Google search button enabled/disabled

Visual options:

You can arrange all the colors of the insert area as you wish.

Plugin Installation:

If you are using the old statistic, you need to remove it.


Step 1
- extract the file from the attachment
Step 2,
- In the folder named UPLOAD the file in the folders of the same name in the FTP
Step 3,
- AdminCp >> Add-ons >> find add-ons >> Upload with the install button.

AdminCp >> Groups and permissions >> User group permissions >> Group to allow >> [XenGenTr] forum statistics permissions
AdminpCp >> Installations >> XF Options >> [XenGenTr] Forum Statistics - Options
AdminCp >> Views and Languages >> Theme Properties >> [XenGenTr] stats - Design

It is developed by adding 1K value to 1000s of numbers found in message and display area.

Line skew in user statistics was removed.
XF 2.0 / 2.1  AndyB Remove debug line  1.1
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  [XenConcept] Premium Page  2.3.0


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