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XF 2.2 XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO

This is a complete rewrite of my popular event system for XenForo. XenAtendo is a calendar and event management system. The math involved with building dates has been completely rewritten from the previous version.

DEMO: Week 17 2021

Basic Features :
  • Monthly, weekly and agenda style event listings
  • Fully responsive design, even the monthly calendar view
  • Event creation with the ability to create event threads
  • Events can have multiple and/or repeating occurrences
  • Users can RSVP to individual occurrences and receive reminder alerts
  • Google Maps integration with geo-location and address searching
  • Users can filter event listings by location distance
  • Events can be categorized with pre-defined keywords
  • Users can filter event listings by keywords
  • Events can be exported to iCAL or CSV formats
Facility :
Upgrading from XF1 :
  • After installing this addon, head to your admin control panel
  • Run the appropriate import procedure in Tools > Import Data
Version - CHANGELOG:
- Social media linters such as Twitter and FB will now use event images as card previews if available.
- Linters will only be able to see these images, if unregistered users are able to view events.
- Added widget positions for calendar sidebars.
- BUG FIX: Fixed some typos in thread entities that were forcing multiple excess DB queries on event thread listings. Thank you @benFF for pointing out that I was referencing incorrect variable names in my entities.
- BUG FIX: Fixed some formatting issues related to Holidays.
- BUG FIX: Fixed a bug where thread prefixes did not auto-populate.
- BUG FIX: Fixed some incorrect time zone listings in tooltips.
XF 2.1 / 2.2  Gift Upgrades  2.4.3
XF 2.1 / 2.2  XF2 [8WR] Database Backup


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