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    Thanks in advance.
[XFA] Forum List Tabs

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 [XFA] Forum List Tabs 2.2.0

Description :
You forum list looks full due to a huge number of forums or you want to show threads, watched forums, watched forums' threads or watched threads ?
Forum list tabs is your solution !

Easy to configure, it allows you to create tabs to split your categories into as much tabs as you want, or display threads from specific forums, watched forums, threads from watched forums or watched threads.

XFA Forum List Tabs-1.webp

Features :
  • Unlimited number of tabs
  • Easily create, edit, delete, reorder tab thanks to few clicks
  • Fully configurable:
    • Font Awesome icon
    • Type of tab: [NEW 2.0.0]
      • Nodes: to display chosen nodes
      • Threads: to display the latest updated threads from chosen nodes [NEW 2.0.0]
      • Watched nodes: to display the watched forums list [NEW 2.0.0]
      • Watched nodes' threads: to display the latest updated threads from watched forums [NEW 2.0.0]
      • Watched threads: to display the watched threads list [NEW 2.0.0]
    • Usergroup visibility restriction capability
  • No page reload when navigating between tabs
  • Possibility for users to deactivate tabbed forum list layout through preferences if allowed (permission based)
Version 2.1.0 : Bug fix and new feature :
This version is only compatible with XenForo 2.2
Corrected bugs : Provided compatibility with xF2.2
New features : Limit threads to specific prefixes for threads type tabs

Version 2.2.0 New features : Added new option in tab add/edit to only show an icon
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Remove select all  1.0
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB XFRM remove history download  1.0


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