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[XTR] DragonByte eCommerce Layouts

XF 2.2 [XTR] DragonByte eCommerce Layouts 1.0.2

Additional requirements :
[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-1.webp

This add-on has been developed to enhance the DragonByte eCommerce add-on visually and at the same time provide ease of use.

As you know, DragonByte eCommerce add-on is most popular add-on for e-commerce system and it is also comes with advanced features.
Well, don't you want an ecommerce system equipped with these superior features to look more beautiful ?

Listed view of products

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-2.webp

Grid view of products

DragonByte eCommerce add-on has already a grid system, but if you want to combine it with a magical interface in appearance, this add-on will offer you the result you are looking for.

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-3.webp

Note : This add-on works only, if Product list style option is selected Grid on DragonByte eCommerce. You can find easily this option on Style Properties.

You may visit: style-properties/group&group=dbtechEcommerce

After installation you need to set the icon size of your products as shown in the picture as below. We have set 590px / 300px as an example. You can adjust it to your preference.


XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-4.webp

Slider for attached files

The attached files can be displayed automatically with a slider. Ideal for your products with lots of additional images. In this way, you will stay away from the crowded structure created by additional images on the page.

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-5.webp

Attached files slider settings

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-6.webp

Extra Link (URL) address

In order to promote your products with more detail now you have extra url (demo address), you can easily define this field while adding or editing products.

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-7.webp

Slider widget features

Show your new products on wherever you want with the slider built on the widget structure. In this way, you will have a stylish design that takes up less space on your page.

You may also easily show the latest e-commerce products bottom of the product description without returning to the product homepage.

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-8.webp

Widget slider style properties

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-9.webp

Widget slider settings

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-10.webp

Product details page

XTR DragonByte eCommerce Layouts-11.webp

Installation and Options

XF 2.1 / 2.2  Download tracker  2.1.1 Patch 1
XF 2.2  Moderator Essentials  2.6.1


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