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[XTR] Image Hosting

XF 2.0 / 2.1 [XTR] Image Hosting 1.0.2

[XTR] Image Hosting

This plugin allows you to save space on the server by uploading new images to the Imgyukle website.

Provides the ability to upload / transfer images remotely when you create a new topic with the plug-in, in quick reply, or in private conversations.

The fact that pictures are hosted in an external location has some disadvantage for your website, but there are more positive aspects.

Since it is a free plugin, I've set it as Image Share - imgyukle.com which is the only image upload service for now. In this state, it will still work with more.

If the hosting area of the hosting company you use is small, it will be beneficial for you.
You don't want to store more files on your hosting or server.
Many file data problems are not a problem when you back up saves.
You can reduce external billing to store images on your server.

Add-on features :

[XTR] Thanks to Image Hosting you can give images as a link if you want, you can choose as a full view on your page.

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With user group permissions, you can grant the required permissions to the user groups you want.

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You can set the viewing options for your images as shown below with the Embed Codes option.

BB Standard image link :

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BBCode (full view): The system's image display tool is used within the page.

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BBCode (full view link): As in BBCode (full view) you will get an image but when you click on the image you will be directed to the website where the image is uploaded.

BB thumbnails link: Shows your image side by side in small sizes.

Crate new thread :

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Upload image buttons work in the following templates.
Crate new thread: The Upload image button will be displayed when creating a new thread.
Edit thread: XenForo.PK - The Upload image button will be displayed when editing the topic.
Create new conversations: will be displayed in new conversations and when editing the conversations.

Crate new thread :

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Post reply :

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Selecting Upload image button will open a window like the one below.

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Here you can select an image on your computer to install.

In addition, you can edit the selected picture without pressing the send button. You can define the name of the size of the image.

Update 1.0.2 :

This update has been added a new option. With this option, you can hide the button for adding files for specified user groups. In this way, only user groups that you allow the system server will be able to add files while uploading images to the server whose image upload option is enabled.

XTR Image Hosting-10.webp
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