• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
[XTR] Paid Membership

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [XTR] Paid Membership 1.0.5

XTR Paid Membership-1.webp

This add-on allows the XenForo user upgrade system on a new page with an elegant table structure, providing a perfect subscription service.

When you create a user upgrade pack, you can easily customize features and entitlements offered in your new subscription.

If you're making a rockin' marketing site for a subscription-based product, you're likely in need of a pricing table.

To make everything simpler, all options are integrated into the user upgrade page. In this way, you can create great tables very simply. You don't need to make settings on different option pages to feature a product.

With 5 different design structures, you can easily choose the colour options you want. All these features come in a fully manageable structure.

With the user group permission, you can give permission to the desired user groups.
You can use it with all payment gateways integrated into XenForo.

General Options :

XTR Paid Membership-2.webp

Style Properties :

XTR Paid Membership-3.webp

User Upgrade Options :

XTR Paid Membership-4.webp

User group permission :

XTR Paid Membership-5.webp

With banner images :

XTR Paid Membership-6.webp

XTR Paid Membership-7.webp

XTR Paid Membership-8.webp

XTR Paid Membership-9.webp

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XTR Paid Membership-11.webp

Also, this add-on allows you to show your payment information by adding a bank account.

XTR Paid Membership-12.webp

Features :
  • User group permission
  • Paid membership banner upload option
  • Usable by user groups (Select which user groups can use or buy these membership packages.)
  • Option to remove breadcrumb and page title within the page
  • Option to remove block header
  • Items per row option (Default - Wide - Medium - Narrow)
  • 5 different table style options
  • 6 different colour-changing options
  • Ability to adjust the width of the tables
  • Option to set spacing values between tables
  • Message area above all tables
  • Message fields under all tables
  • The entire structure has the ability to be customized from the style features.
  • Mobile responsive
XF 2.1 / 2.2  [Xen-Soluce] Credit System  2.1.2
XF 2.2  [XTR] Protected Nodes  1.0.1


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