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Thread Filter by AddonsLab

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 Thread Filter by AddonsLab 3.8.0

The add-on allows to filter and search threads based on custom thread fields. The idea is to allow administrators to use the power of custom thread fields to transform their forums into Directory, Announcements, Shop or any other content type where filtering data based on custom fields is essential.

The controls to filter the threads are added in Filters popup in the thread list:

Thread Filter by AddonsLab-1.webp

Question: What the steps to follow immediately after installation to make sure the existing data is available for search?
1. Admin -> Setup -> Enhanced search -> Optimize (only if using Enhanced Search)
2. Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild Thread Fields - indexation of all existing thread fields into a separate MySQL table
3. Tools - > Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild search index - select Custom thread fields as content type and rebuild.
4. Admin -> Forums -> Custom thread fields -> [Edit a field] - check Allow Filter checkbox if you want the field to be shown in filters.
5. Admin -> Forums -> Nodes [Edit a node] - setup the fields to be shown in thread list directly under "Show in Thread List".
Check product description for more details about features available in the product.

Version 3.3.0 Minor UI fix: multiple selection lists loading slowly with large number of choices
This version fixes a UI bug, that would appear with multiple selection lists having many choices changing their size when "filterable lists" plugin is applied, which would cause page flickering. Now the list has fixed height and flickering should be minimal.

Version 3.4.4 Bug-fix: Error: Call to undefined method XF\Util\Arr::arrayColumn()
This version implements compatibility with XenForo 2.2.
This version fixes the following PHP error when rebuilding custom fields:
Error: Call to undefined method XF\Util\Arr::arrayColumn()

Version 3.4.5 Bug-fix: Sort options missing and a UI fix
The release fixes the bug with default forum sort options missing on XenForo 2.2.x, only reproducible on boards using the filter above the thread list.
Another UI fix is applied for the boards, that use "Enable filterable drop-down lists" in combination with "Auto Reload". The list of options would disappear when the form reloads exactly at the moment when the popup is open.
Version 3.4.6 Bug-fix: Auto-reload does not work if filterable selects are disabled
This is a fix for a regression in the latest version, which would cause the Auto Reload not to work if the Filterable Dropdown Lists option is disabled

Version 3.5.0 Location support enhancement and minor fixes
This version enhances location support using the latest upgrade of the Location custom field add-on. From this version on, the Google API key should be specified in the Location custom field add-on options. Please check these options after the upgrade. It also fixes a bug with the option Maximum result count that would not allow 0 as a value.

Version 3.5.1 Bug-fix: Total count indicator does not include sticky threads:
This version fixes a bug with the total count indicator not counting sticky threads.

Version 3.5.2 Bug-fix: Call to a member function count()
This version a PHP error has introduced in the latest version related to sticky thread count.

Version 3.5.3 Bug-fix: Call to a member function count()
This is another fix related to the same bug introduced in version 3.5.1.

Version 3.5.4 Bug-fix: broken html in Active filters
This version fixes a bug appearing when admins use the option "Value display HTML" for a custom field using HTML that breaks the layout in the Active filters bar. The HTML will be stripped away now and only the raw value will be shown in the bar.

Version 3.5.5 Bug-fix: Filters icon missing next to the search icon in the mobile view
This version fixes a bug where the "Filters" icon doesn't appear next to the search icon in the mobile view when the option "Filter Icon Location" is set to "Next to the search icon".

Version 3.6.0 Added Clear filters button to the filter form
In this release, we have implemented a Clear button in the filter form, next to the Filter button. Pressing the button resets filters. The button is not shown in the filter form until some filters are applied.

Version 3.7.0 New permission - Can use custom field filters
In this release, we have implemented new forum permission called Can use custom field filters. The permission can be used by admins to enable/disable custom thread field filters per usergroup and node. The release also includes a bug fix with numeric custom field intervals not including the minimum and maximum value in the results.

Version 3.7.1 Option to hide thread types in the filters:
- This release adds a new option under Disable default filter fieldsto hide thread types selector in the filters.
- We have also modified the package to allow Can use custom field filters permission to guests and registered usergroups upon installation (it would allow all usergroups and custom user permissions based on previous version). Customized values from previous installation are preserved, but if you have modified this permission please double-check your permission setup after the upgrade.

Version 3.7.2 Bug-fix: fixed support for Aggregating Forums add-on:
- This release fixes the support for Aggregating Forums add-on:
ErrorException: [E.WARNING] Attempt to read property “node_id” on null in src/addons/AL/ThreadFilter/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php at line 211

Version 3.7.2 PL1 Bug-fix: PHP 8.1 compatibility issue:
- This release fixes a PHP 8.1 compatibility issue:
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(2 lines)

Version 3.7.3 Compatability update with the latest [AL] Core package:
- This release is due to a change in [AL] Core package regarding class extensions, which was causing some compatibility issues with other add-ons. Please upgrade if you are using [AL] Core version 1.5.5+.

Version 3.7.4 Bug-fix: default order not respected when result count limitation is applied:
- The release fixes a problem with the option Maximum result count. If the option is set to a low number, the results might not respect the default order if items and older results may be shown. The problem does not affect Elasticsearch back-end.

Version 3.8.0 Migration to Filter Framework:
We have released an add-on with shared functionality of all our "filter" add-ons. The reason for separating this functionality is to make it easier to maintain and to allow for more flexibility in the future.
The following fixes are included in the latest Filter Framework package:
  • Fix: multiple prefix filter not working
  • Fix: indexation of array-type custom fields may trigger PHP error
  • Enhancement: Do not use AJAX for loading filterable list options if there are no more than 30 options
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  Location custom field by AddonsLab  1.6.3
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Forum password  1.7


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