AndyB Rsvp

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 AndyB Rsvp 2.2

Description :

Provides an RSVP option where members can register for an event.

The RSVP block is shown in the thread view above the first post.

(Example of RSVP create link) :

AndyB Rsvp-1.webp

(Example of RSVP) :

AndyB Rsvp-2.webp

(Example of RSVP register) :

AndyB Rsvp-3.webp

(Example of Options page) :

AndyB Rsvp-4.webp

(Example of User group permissions) :

AndyB Rsvp-5.webp

Features :

  • All phrases start with rsvp_ for your convenience.
Database modifications :
  • Creates a new table called xf_andy_rsvp
  • Creates a new table called xf_andy_rsvp_register
Questions and Answers :

Q: Can registered members create a RSVP.
A: No. The RSVP create function should only be given to the Administrator or other trusted user group.

Rsvp v2.0 changes : The Note field now allows multiple lines.

Rsvp v2.1 changes : Added row counter when viewing guest list.

Rsvp v2.2 changes :
- Now display an error message if trying to add a guest count (during edit) which would exceed maximum number of guests allowed for the event.
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