AndyB User agent

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 AndyB User agent 2.8

Description :

Allows seeing the types of devices members are using to view your forum.

There are several reasons why this add-on can be very helpful:
  1. Knowing trends like the type of devices being used.
  2. Knowing a members device is helpful in troubleshooting situations.
(Example of User agent link in Visitor tab) :

AndyB User agent-1.webp

(Example of User agent page) :

AndyB User agent-2.webp

(Example of Options page) :

AndyB User agent-3.webp

(Example of User group permission) :

AndyB User agent-4.webp

Features :
  • All phrases start with useragent_ for your convenience.
User group permissions:

Set the Administrator user group to Yes.

Database modifications :

This add-on creates a table called xf_andy_user_agent.

User agent v2.7 changes : Fixed issue with intermittent deadlock.

User agent v2.8 changes : Added check empty condition for superglobal variable.


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