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[BS] Multi-account detector

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 [BS] Multi-account detector 1.7.2

Detection methods :
Options :

BS Multiaccount detector-1.webp

Permissions :

BS Multiaccount detector-2.webp

Reports :

BS Multiaccount detector-3.webp

BS Multiaccount detector-4.webp

BS Multiaccount detector-5.webp

BS Multiaccount detector-6.webp

BS Multiaccount detector-7.webp

Version 1.3.2 fixed :
The links of the tabs in the member profile were incorrect

Version 1.3.3 - Important update :
Multiccount could be falsified by assigning an account to another user

Version 1.4.0 Changes :
Added FingerprintJS Pro support
FingerprintJS updated to 3.2.0
Reports page was reworked
Added pagination
Added fast inline moderation
Added reason for closure

BS Multiaccount detector-8.webp

BS Multiaccount detector-9.webp

BS Multiaccount detector-10.webp

Note :
Before this update, it is advisable to remove these directories :

You must log in to view
(2 lines)

Version 1.4.1 Changes :
- Updated dependencies
- Now only one request is executed when checking instead of two or more
- Fixed a bug due to which a duplicate report could be created

Version 1.5.0 New features :
– New option: Display link to reports regardless of the open reports presence
– New option: Create a separate report if a new multi-account is detected
Let's imagine the situation: User Bobby already has a report on a multi-account, which contains his other account with the nickname George, and he logs into a new account with the nickname Henryk. If this option is enabled, a new report will be created for the Henryk account, which will list the previous two accounts: Bobby and George. If this option is disabled, Henryk's account will be added to the first report on Bobby's account. However, if this report is closed, you will not receive a new notification.
– Creating a duplicate report in the specified forum
– Problem with compatibility of XF scripts in some places (conversations, user ban)
– Reduced number of scripts to load. Previously, scripts for all detection methods were loaded for the user, but now they are loaded depending on the activated detection methods

BS Multiaccount detector-11.webp

BS Multiaccount detector-12.webp

BS Multiaccount detector-13.webp

Version 1.5.1 Fixed :
- Incorrect work of the Evercookies method
- Possible duplicate usernames in reports in the Fingerprint section

Version 1.5.2 : Updated Fingerprintjs and other dependencies

Version 1.5.3 Changes :
- New option "Thread report duplicate creator".
- If you had problems with creating reports in a forum - fill in this option.
- Now problems with creating a report in a forum will not affect the creation of regular reports

This update will create all reports that were not created due to an error creating a duplicate report in a forum

Version 1.5.4 Fixed :
[021] Multi-account detector [Paid]

Version 1.6.0 :
- Added "Сheck cooldown" option
- Check cooldown now resets when user logging in
- Updated dependencies

Version 1.7.0 New options :
- Fingerprint detected user group – this group will be automatically assigned to the user if he falls under the definition of a multi-account using the fingerprint method.
- Evercookie detected user group – this group will be automatically assigned to the user if he falls under the definition of a multi-account using the evercookie method.

BS Multiaccount detector-14.webp
Version 1.7.1 : Added check for full unicode support during installation to prevent server errors.

BS Multiaccount detector-15.webp

Version 1.7.2 : Updated JS dependencies.
XF 2.2  Stripe Identity  1.0.1
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  AndyB Convert image media gallery  1.3


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