Crowd Moderation

XF 2.0 / 2.1 Crowd Moderation 2.0.1

Crowd Moderation allows your user base to assist your moderation team. Reporting content can now result in content being soft deleted or added to the moderation queue.

Once installed, the "Crowd Moderation Report Limit" permission must be configured

There are 4 options in a new option group :
  1. Points Threshold - this is the number of "report points" that content needs to hit before an action is taken.
  2. Action - The action that is taken once the points threshold his hit (either soft deleted or inserted to the moderation queue)
  3. Actionable Report States - list of report states where crowd moderation is possible.
  4. Use user group for points and limit - When enabled you can set each user group (or each person, even), to have a different amount of points and report limit for how often their reports are counted

    If this is set, you must configure the permissions "Crowd Moderation Report Limit" and "Crowd Moderation Points"!

    This allows for reports from your more trustworthy members to count more towards taking action on the content.
Permissions :
  • Crowd Moderation Points
  • Crowd Moderation Report Limit
Options :

Crowd Moderation-1.webp


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