[cv6] Letter Index

XF 2.2 / 2.3 [cv6] Letter Index 1.1.0 RC2

Additional requirements : [cv6] Core

This AddOn adds a lettered TabIndex to selected forums.

cv6 Letter Index-1.webp

This can be turned on and off on a per forum base and for categories of the resource manager.

cv6 Letter Index-2.webp

You can style the tabs, if the default is not fitting to your style.

cv6 Letter Index-3.webp

And you cann de/activate special tabs and the display if empty tabs should be showed differently.

cv6 Letter Index-4.webp

If you enable the empty tab option, one additional query is added. But usual this query should not slow down your site. But if you have a huge forum and there are no empty tabs, you can save this time.

Version 1.0.1 : Updated the addon code to work with xf 2.3
Version 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2 :

XF 2.3 Version only

Forum and Category Settings are now divided into two options.
Enable indexing
Display Index

Added a Index Widget.

The indexing needs to be enabled that the widget is shown.
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  [XFA] Core  2.3.0


Last edited:
Added version 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2 :)
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