[cXF] Advanced Footer

XF 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 [cXF] Advanced Footer 2.4.0

  • fixed (sticky) footer
    • enable fixed footer so the footer will always stay on top and visible
    • make fixed footer wide to it fits the browser an not only the forum width
    • disable fixed footer on mobile if you wish
footer icons
  • add icons to footer links
  • choose any Font Awesome icons for links
  • show only icons
  • show only icons just on mobile screen
  • change icon color
  • change icon hover color
  • change icon size
footer links
  • add login and/or register link to footer
  • add up to three custom links
  • remove any link in footer
footer columns
  • show up to three customizable footer columns (change background, content, title, colors, borders etc.)
  • add text or any other content to footer column
  • disable footer columns on mobile if you wish
footer widgets
  • 3 footer widget positions (above footer links, below footer links, above copyright)
  • enable footer widget position in style properties and add any widget you want from the widget page
social icons in footer
  • add any social icons to footer as additional 4th column on right footer columns or below them (currently up to 6 icons)
  • change icons
  • change icon color
  • change icon hover color


cXF Advanced Footer-1.webp

cXF Advanced Footer-2.webp

cXF Advanced Footer-3.webp

Version 2.1.6 : added option to remove Contact us. Terms and rules and Privacy policy links from the footer

Version 2.1.7 : bugfix: XenForo 2.1.8 Patch 2 compatibility fix for wide fixed footer option
*note: update only if you're running XenForo 2.1.8 Patch 2

Version 2.1.8 : bugfix for fixed footer when sticky submit form row is enabled

Version 2.1.9 : added rel="noopener" to links that open in new tab

Version 2.1.10 : bugfix for social icons in footer

Version 2.1.11 : bugfix for RSS icon in footer (code updated)

Version 2.1.12 :
- NEW: option to change the Cookies icon and colour (if using the Advanced cookie consent from XenForo 2.2.12), hide the text only or show icons only on mobile.

Version 2.1.13 : added option to "nofollow" extra links (configured in style properties under [cXF] Advanced Footer [links])

Version 2.1.14 : changed template modification for Contact link for better compatibility

Version 2.1.15 : compatibility fix for XenForo 2.3

Version 2.1.16 :
  • bugfix for login and register links in footer (for XF 2.3)
  • bugfix for wide footer option (for XF 2.3)
Version 2.3.0 :
[WARNING] This update introduces major changes to the add-on

I hope this catches your attention before updating the Advanced Footer add-on.

This add-on gets some new features and it changes the structure of templates a bit more. This add-on is updated for XenForo 2.2 and 2.3 - make sure to upload the right file.

If you have edited the content of the templates, before updating, backup (copy/paste) the content from cxf_advanced_footer_column_left, cxf_advanced_footer_column_center and cxf_advanced_footer_column_right templates.

This version renames these templates and adds one more:

  • cxf_advanced_footer_column_a
  • cxf_advanced_footer_column_b
  • cxf_advanced_footer_column_c
  • cxf_advanced_footer_column_d
Make sure to backup your style properties edits for this add-on (especially the Columns and Social icons style properties), because you might lose some settings. You can take screenshots of the settings.

Now that this has been brought to your attention, we can start updating the add-on. After the update, the "old" column templates should still be available. If you check in ACP under Appearance > Templates and filter Advanced Footer templates only, you should see this:

cXF Advanced Footer-4.webp

This backup is just in case something goes wrong and you don't lose all your edits. The template for the left column has now become A, the centre B and the right C. There is also an additional template called D. You can copy/paste template content between them.

You will also notice there are some predefined codes in all four templates for columns. You can use them or overwrite them with your codes.

After you are sure you don't need the old templates any more, you can delete them by clicking the bin icon on the right side.
  • columns templates are recreated and by default are filled with some predefined code (check the Q&A tab for more information)
  • new additional fourth column is added
  • columns in settings are renamed to A, B, C and D (instead of Left, Center, Right)
  • NEW: footer logo with additional text below it and social icons
  • optional custom logo for footer
  • added support for style variations (for XF 2.3 only)
  • bug fixes for CSS template
Some examples of Advanced Footer add-on with new features:

< Advanced Footer on customizeXF.com >

cXF Advanced Footer-5.webp

< default settings with 4 columns and social icons below footer logo >

cXF Advanced Footer-6.webp

< option with custom logo >

cXF Advanced Footer-7.webp

< custom logo and social icons below footer columns >

cXF Advanced Footer-8.webp

< custom logo and social icons in an extra column far right >

cXF Advanced Footer-9.webp

< example with custom logo and only 2 columns >

cXF Advanced Footer-10.webp

Version 2.3.1 : added support to display icon for X platform (for XF 2.2 and 2.3)
[WARNING] In case you missed it, please read the description in the previous update.

I forgot to add border-radius and right margin to style properties for column D

It is the same version, just rebuild the add-on
Version 2.3.2 :
  • fixed alignment for X icon
  • CSS changes for footer columns and social icons

Version pour xenforo 2.2 :

Version 2.4.0 :
NOTE : make a backup copy of the options settings in Setup > Options > [cXF] Advanced Footer, make a note of all icon links and icon names, as all these settings will be reset

Changes (for XF 2.3 only):

  • a major overhaul of the code for social icons, rewritten to make it more efficient and transparent
  • NEW: option to upload custom image icons; for example, you can now download the free Bluesky SVG icon from Font Awesome and upload it to the Advanced Footer
  • minor bug fixes
XF 2.1 / 2.2  [DBTech] DragonByte InfoPanels  1.1.1
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  AndyB News  1.4


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