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[MMO] Reputation System

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [MMO] Reputation System 2.2.5

You can leave a reputation for posts and threads that catch your attention, for good or bad. The reputation points can be positive and / or negative. You can also leave a comment as well to go with your reputation point (s).
Reputations can also be left anonymously. This is group permissioned based. Only users with permissions to view anonymous reputations will be able to view the anonymous reputations. Users receiving anonymous reputations will receive an alert informing them of that fact. You can also prevent a specific group from giving a negative reputation.

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An overview of users reputations, given and received is available as follows:
1) At their profile a new tab called Reputations has been added. Their are logged all reputations that an user has received. Its view is group permissioned based for viewing reputations in own profiles only and/or for all profiles.

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2) Anonymous reputation :

MMO Reputation System-3.webp

3) Maximum reputation points. Leave 0 to for the standard 1 reputation point :

MMO Reputation System-4.webp

4) Add-on options :

MMO Reputation System-5.webp

5) Reputation moderator rights :

MMO Reputation System-6.webp

6) If the user has a bad reputation or you want to personally change him, you can edit the user profile in admin cp :

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7) Reputation works with a standard criteria system, which means that you can use it in those places where XenForo supports the criteria system. For example, increasing user groups, notices, and more

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8) You can also use the widget system to display reputation information.

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9) In addition, the reputation works with a standard approval and complaints system. In the event that users deliberately drain their reputation or use insults, your team can resolve the conflict and in which case solve the problem.

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10) Recording moderator actions in the moderator log
11) Notification system integration

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12) In case of any problems with the counter, you can easily rebuild in admincp or use cli

MMO Reputation System-12.webp

13) Support member stat :

MMO Reputation System-13.webp

MMO Reputation System-14.webp

14) Member pages :

MMO Reputation System-15.webp

MMO Reputation System-16.webp

Version 2.1.9 : Add new phrase for reputation points (mrs_points)
Added stats reputation
When copy post reset cached fields data
Added in admin statistic reputation on posts

Version 2.1.10 :
Add information by reputation count in forum statistic widget.
Added style properties:
  • Show colouring reputation in postbit
  • Enable colouring in member card
  • Neutral reputation setting in postbit
  • Positive reputation setting in postbit
  • Negative reputation setting in postbit
  • Neutral reputation setting in membercard
  • Positive reputation setting in member card
  • Negative reputation setting in member card
MMO Reputation System-17.webp

MMO Reputation System-18.webp
MMO Reputation System-19.webp
MMO Reputation System-20.webp
MMO Reputation System-21.webp

Version 2.2.0 :
Fix missing phrase
When editing in the reputation log, you can now specify the date and time.
New style properties:
  • Show add reputation in post tool
  • Show in postbit add reputation
Fix support for XF 2.2
Merge user reputation

Version 2.2.1 :
Fix error Template error: Cannot call method canGiveReputation on a non-object
Fix import from [bd] Reputation

Version 2.2.2 :
Now require Standard Library by Xon (Standard Library by Xon)
Add option disable reactions on posts in thread

Version 2.2.3 :
Fix [E_NOTICE] Undefined variable: error
Fixed a situation when a message could be physically deleted, but the approval queue was not cleared and the reputation remained in the database
Fixed bug after turning off add-on

Version 2.2.4 :
Require [MMO] Core Library min version 2.2.1
Fix error XF\PrintableException: Job XF:ApprovalQueueProcess: Please enter a value using 150 characters or fewer.

Version 2.2.5 : Fixed bug of not applicable patch 2.2.3


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