Nulumia Inflow

XF Style Nulumia Inflow

Nulumia Inflow-1.webp

Description :

Inflow is a responsive content-drive theme, great for magazine-style websites centered around news, reviews, or classifieds. Works great with XenPorta 2 to produce a fantastic CMS appearance around your articles and featured threads.

Features :
  • Logo PSD included
  • Powered by NulumiaBase Framework, includes an ever growing set of customizations, tweaks, improvements and mod support to the core Xenforo system
  • Sidebar settings – hide, left/right
  • Fully responsive
  • Node grid
  • Discussion grid
  • Separate sticky and normal threads
  • FREE slideshow plugin
  • Hover transition effects
  • Add fullscreen background wallpapers or use a slideshow background with up to five images!
  • Change between boxed and floating content layouts
  • Footer block system – build professional footers with up to ten block locations – includes parallax rows, HTML content and more! Take full control of the footer layout with custom Style Properties.
Nulumia Inflow-2.webp

Xenforo 2.2.8, One-Click Archive Imports, Bugfixes

To update your theme, please download the latest version at :


This update brings compatibility with the latest Xenforo 2.2.8 and moves all Nulumia themes to use the One-Click Archive import format. From now on, you can download style packages as a single zip file and import directly in your Xenforo backend. This means you will no longer have to manually upload files via FTP, nor import XML files separately!

** Import change using One-Click Archive imports **

Importing styles as zip archives changes the file structure and file location of your styles in Xenforo. This means custom files, such as images and logos, which were placed in the formal styles folder may need to be migrated once you begin using the archive format.

Please read the following migration guide to see if this change affects you:
*MIGRATION GUIDE* For New One-Click Archive Style Imports

Check out the full details here :
Nulumia Theme Framework for Xenforo Released
XF Style  HorroR  2.2.7a
XF Style  [TH] BLOK


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