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[OzzModz] Verify Email Before Registration

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 [OzzModz] Verify Email Before Registration 2.0.8

valaiVerified member


Staff member
Reputation: 84%
With this addon you can make users verify their email before they fill out the registration form. This can be helpful to not have a bunch of unverified users laying around.

Clicking on the register link will show users a popup like this :

OzzModz Verify Email Before Registration-1.webp

Once they enter an email, and click on verify, they see this :

OzzModz Verify Email Before Registration-2.webp

The email the user gets with the code looks like this :

OzzModz Verify Email Before Registration-3.webp

Once the user gets their email code, and enters it on the registration form and fills out any additional fields, they are automatically registered and marked as valid users.

Version 2.0.8 : XF 2.2 and 2.3 compatibility.


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