Showcase for Xenforo 2

XF 2.2 Showcase for Xenforo 2 3.2.22

Showcase is an add-on designed for forum owners to provide an interface for their members to showcase items visually with a gallery of images as well as text and text assets. Custom fields provide detailed information related to each item.

Supported XenForo Versions : XF 2.2

Important Note : This version 3.2.12 of Showcase requires XF 2.2.2 !

Showcase for Xenforo 2-1.webp

Showcase for Xenforo 2-2.webp

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB User upgrade conversation  1.7
XF 2.1 / 2.2  Point Redeem by Siropu  1.0.3


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