[SVG]Visitor Panel Modifier XF2.1

XF 2.3 [SVG]Visitor Panel Modifier XF2.1

The [SVG] Visitor Panel plugin will add a user panel.

There are style settings.
User rights to the button prem. If there are no paid promotions, it will not be, if there is, then users with rights and those who have not confirmed the email will not be displayed.

SVGVisitor Panel Modifier XF21-1.webp

SVGVisitor Panel Modifier XF21-2.webp

I share with you an xf 2.0 addon that I modified for xf 2.1

The modifications made:

1 - I adapted the addon for xenforo 2.1 by changing the template.
2 - I added the user banners
3 - I added FA icons instead of the text.


SVGVisitor Panel Modifier XF21-3.webp
XF 2.2 / 2.3  [MMO] Centrifugo  2.3.4


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