Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab 2.10.0

Additional requirements : [AL] Core package

The product allows setting a thumbnail for a thread using one of the attachments attached to the thread.

It is possible to choose which image attached should be the thumbnail when creating a new thread or editing the first post of a thread :

Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab-1.webp

Thumbnails are shown in What's New/New Posts pages as well, and can be edited from these pages directly :

Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab-2.webp

In product's options page you can configure the default thumbnail URL to use for the threads, that don't have a thumbnail attached. If no default is specified, XenForo's default behavior is kept (e.g. showing thread starter's avatar as thread icon) :

Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab-3.webp

The product also implements a usergroup permission, which should be enabled for users to be able to change the thumbnail of their thread. Moderators having permission to edit a thread and manage attachments there will be able to set the thumbnails for the threads started by other users :

Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab-4.webp

Version 2.3.2 : Thumbnails squeezed for users without permission to edit the thumbnail
This release fixes UI bug with thread thumbnails being squeezed. The issue would be visible only for users without permission to update the thumbnail of a given thread (e.g. guests).

Version 2.3.3 Bug-fix: lightbox not working on XenForo 2.2
This release fixes a UI bug with the lightbox not being shown on XenForo 2.2.

Version 2.3.4 Bug-fix : thumbnail is used in thread metadata instead of full image
This release fixes a bug with the image in thread metadata being the thumbnail instead of the full version, which would cause lower quality preview image when the thread is shared on social media.

Version 2.4.0 New option : - Hide thumbnail in attachments
In this release, we have created a new option called "Hide thumbnail in attachments".
With the option enabled the attachment which is used as a thumbnail will not be shown in the Attachments block under its post.

Version 2.5.0 : Enable/disable option update: Include child forums automatically
From now on, the options "Enable/Disable Product" and "Enable/Disable Automatic Thumbnail" will not require listing all forums by hand in the option "Enable only in the following forums" or "Disable only in the following forums" - the children of the listed forums will be automatically considered enabled.

This is a breaking change so please verify your configuration after the upgrade.

The release also applies a minor change to the "Rebuild thread thumbnails" Admin panel tool and will now include all threads that already have an automatically detected thumbnail, to allow re-detection of thumbnails, in case there has been a change in the order of attached images or third-party products have modified the way automatic thumbnail detection works.

The new version is available for all licensed customers at Marketplace - AddonsLab

Version 2.5.1 Bug-fix: All attachments are deleted when deleting a single attachment in a post
The release fixes a bug that would cause deleting all attachments in a post when one of them gets deleted. This was related to a conflict with XenForo core JavaScript, that would consider the checkbox meant for the thumbnail selection as a checkbox for deletion of attachments. We have updated the UI to use Radio buttons, and clicking a radio button one more time will unselect it, just in case you need to disable manual selection of any thread thumbnail.

Version 2.5.2 Bug-fixes and minor enhancements
Bug-fix: YouTube thumbnail not detected if embedded URL has starting point
Bug-fix: Thubmnails appear in search results even though they are activated for forum view only
Added class "has-thumbnail" to the container row to apply specific CSS to rows with thumbnail

Version 2.6.0 Unfurl support
This version implements support for detection of thread thumbnail from Unfurl block.
It also fixes a bug when editing/saving a thread would trigger error - Please enter a value for the required field 'attachment_id'

Version 2.7.0 New option: Disable thumbnails for specific threads
The new option allows to disable automatic thumbnail selection for any specific thread by providing its ID in the admin panel options page. This applies only for automatic thumbnails, users can still manually choose one of the attachments as a thumbnail.

Version 2.7.1 Bug-fix : Search forums do not show the thumbnails
In this version, we have implemented support for Search forum node type, which now will show the thumbnails just like in a regular forum.

Version 2.7.2 Bug-fix : ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Trying to get property 'thumbnail_width' of non-object
This version fixes an error with rebuilding thumbnails, when attachment in question is missing its data record in the database.

Version 2.7.3 Bug-fix : hasThumbnail method throws an error due to the missing thumbnail relation
This version fixes a PHP bug: ErrorException: Template error: [E_WARNING] Attempt to read property "is_auto_thumbnail" on null src/addons/AL/ThreadThumbnail/XF/Entity/Thread.php:261

Version 2.7.4 Bug-fix : thumbnails shows on all pages when the option Enable only in forum view is checked
This version fixes a bug that caused the option Enable only in forum view not to work and the thumbnails to be shown on all pages instead of forum view pages only.

Version 2.7.5 Bug-fix : Thumbnail not shown when YouTube URL contains playlist information
This version fixes a bug where the thumbnail is not shown for Youtube video URLs containing playlist information.

Version 2.7.7 Bug-fix :active thumbnail selector UI broken : The version fixes the icon for selection of the active thumbnail in the Edit Post page.

Version 2.8.0 Thread item CSS class names according to thumbnail type :
Currently, any thread which is in a forum where thumbnails are enabled, has CSS class has-thumbnail. However this does not actually reflect if a particular thread has a thumbnail or not. With this release, we jave added additional css classes has-thumbnail--real (thread has a thumbnail based on attachment/media/image found in it), has-thumbnail--default (thread has the default thumbnail defined in the admin panel) or has-thumbnail--none (no thumbnail is used and thread starter avatar will be shown instead).

Version 2.8.0 PL1 Typo in the CSS class in thread list : The release fixes a typo in the CSS class in the thread list.

Version 2.9.0 Template blacklist option :
The release implements an option to specify the names of page templates for which you would like to disable the thumbnails. Specifying "forum_list" would remove the thumbnail for the home page, forum_view would remove the thumbnail for the thread list page etc. This version also implements support for Similar Threads widget from Enhanced Search add-on.
Version 2.10.0 Tag list page support : In this release, we have implemented thread thumbnails for the tag list page.
XF 2.1 / 2.2  [XTR] Threads Ticker Widget  1.0.3
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB BBCode parser  1.3


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