[XTR] Browser Title Bar Animation

XF 2.1 [XTR] Browser Title Bar Animation 1.0.1


Making the title of the page/tab animated will grab users' attention, specially when the tab is inactive and users are browsing in other tabs. [XTR] Browser Title Bar Animation is a lightweight XenForo plugin compatible with latest XenForo version and supports all modern browsers.

Even though it is small animation applied to the title bar, this plugin nearly 98% succeeds in drawing the attention of the users and taking them back to your shop/website.

We have noticed that many users open several tabs within the same browser to get more information about the site, products, etc. Usually, a user opens a lot of browser tabs to check other websites, coupons for a product, product reviews, etc. This kind of distractions often causes the site abandonment.

To stand out from such kind of distractions, We have created Browser Title Bar Animation plugin to help every website owner to catch users’ attention and take them back to your shop/site.

Title bar animation will grab the user’s attention and try to take them back to your store/website.

Note: For a plug-in to work, a standard favicon must be added from the style properties.
AdminCP > Appearance > Styles > Default style - Style properties > Basic options

Sample :

XTR Browser Title Bar Animation-2.webp

Option :

XTR Browser Title Bar Animation-3.webp
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Edit permissions  1.0
XF 2.0 / 2.1  AndyB Addons check  1.1


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