[JoyFreak] Postbit Cover

Xenforo 2.x.x [JoyFreak] Postbit Cover

This guide will run you through on how to allow your members to set a postbit cover photo that will display within their posts/messages.

  1. Create a custom user field. Go to Admin CP > Users > Custom user fields
  2. Field ID: This can be anything you want i.e. postbit_cover
  3. Title: This can be anything you want i.e Postbit Cover
  4. Description: URL of the image. Support types: PNG, JPG, GIF.
  5. Display location: Personal details
  6. Field type: Single-line text Box
  7. General option: User editable, Moderator editable
  8. Go to Admin CP > Appearance > Templates > Search: message_macros
  9. Go to Admin CP > Appearance > Templates > Search: extra.less
Step 8 details :

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(3 lines)

Paste below :

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(3 lines)

Replace FIELD_ID with the Field ID you used in step 2 i.e. postbit_cover
Step 9 details :
Place at the top of extra.less :

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(14 lines)

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