
SVG Template by Xon 2.6.1

Depending on configuration, this add-on requires webserver URL rewrite support!

SVG Template
Depending on configuration, this add-on requires webserver URL rewrite support!

Allows SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images to be stored as templates. This creates a new svg.php file in the XF root directory.

To generate a link to an SVG template (The template must have .svg at the end of the name!) ;
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Under Board information, if "Use Full Friendly URLs" (useFriendlyUrls) is set the URL generated is :
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Render to PNG
Rendering SVGs to PNGs requires external support, and depending on OS this may result in odd limitations or poor rendering.

php-imagick support
It is not recommended to use Imagick if it can be helped!

Ubuntu (using PPA);
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Note; some distro's require libmagickcore-6.q16-3-extra to be installed to enable SVG support.

Older versions of Imagick have poor SVG support, on top of Imagick's poor security reputation.

CLI support
This is a generic escape hatch to plug in arbitrary png conversion, using proc_open in php.

Configure Render using proc_open option with;
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{sourceFile} is the source SVG written as a temp file {destFile} is the destination PNG file as a temp file

Alternatively input/output can be done via pipes

Note; template names are only alpha-numeric strings, which is enforced by validation before the CLI option is called

resvg CLI support
Example using resvg, configure CLI command with;
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Precompiled binary
Pre-compiled linux x86_64 binary has been made available here. Compiled on CentOS 7, works on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04

Compiling may bind to newer versions of glibc which can cause portability issues
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Inkscape CLI support
Note; use snap as otherwise it is likely to have too old an instance !
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Configure CLI PIPE command with;
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Conditional rendering SVGs to PNG (for CSS/LESS)

An example of conditional CSS to use the png over the svg for mobile clients
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Explicit usage in templates;
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XenForo 2 routing integration
While webserver rewrite rules are recommended, this add-on supports extending XenForo's routing system to provide zero-configuration support for SVG Templates

Nginx URL rewrite config
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Apache URL rewrite config
Add the rule before the final index.php;
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ie, should look similar to;
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Version 2.2.0 - Maintainance update :
Require php 7+
Require XenForo 2.1+
Conform XF2.2 support
Minor php 7.0/7.1 compatibility fix

Version 2.2.1 - Bugfix update : Fix "Support SVG url's in XF routing layer" option

Version 2.2.2 : Minor code cleanup, avoid connecting to master redis instance to only connect to a replica instance on rendering cached output

Version 2.3.0 - Feature update :
Add basic validation that an SVG template should render correctly
Add an optimization pass for SVG's. Prunes pruning whitespace and nodes/attributes known to be safe to remove. Includes minifying any inline css.
Support LESS/CSS in SVG's <style> element.
Add option "Render SVG's as PNG for mobile devices", this supports rewriting calls to getSvgUrl from .svg to .png
Requires Brower Detection v2.1.0+ add-on
Requires updating webserver URL rewrite urls to support PNGs
Caching requires explicitly defining a caching context with the name "sv-svg-img" or "css".
Supports Imagick or CLI executables as a back-end to render SVGs to PNGs.
Using Imagick is not recommended
Example using resvg, as a CLI-executable back-end;
/usr/local/bin/resvg --quiet {sourceFile} {destFile}
This requires compiling using Rust, or use the pre-compiled linux x86_64 binary here.
Compiling can be done with;
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Version 2.3.2 - Bugfix update
Require Standard Lib by Xon v1.1.0+
Force usage of global functions so php can optimize them into special bytecode instead of function calls
Fix disabling generating png links if svg => png is not configured
Improve installer to report svg => svg conditions which can block usage
Use "canonical" URL before XF2.2.3 as "full" doesn't work as expected in all contexts

Version 2.3.3 - Maintenance update : Reject attempting to save an SVG template with no elements

Version 2.3.4 - Maintenance update : Support getSvgUrlAs('tenplate.svg', 'png') in style properties

Version 2.3.5 - Maintenance update :
Work-around for non-desirable caching behaviour when CloudFlare (or similar) is forced to cache svg.php output
Prevent polluting of caches if the time-stamp is in the future

Version 2.4.1 - Maintenance update :
Require XenForo 2.2+
Require StandardLib v1.11.0+
Improve support for rendering templates in the mail & api contexts by correctly injecting template filters/functions into multiple rendering contexts
Compat fix when zlib output compression is enabled for PHP8.0.17+/PHP8.1.4+

Version 2.4.2 - Bugfix update :
Fix "XFCP_TemplaterHelper not found" error when upgrading the StandardLib add-on via the GUI
If this has happened, upload the files for this add-on. Then rebuild StandardLib add-on, then run the updater this add-on.

Version 2.4.3 - Bugfix update :
Fix issue using getSvgUrl/[getSvgUrlAs in style properties with a template without an extension would cause CSS to fail to render
Fix for race condition when creating temp files when encoding svg => png using resvg.
Update to link to updated precompiled binary for resvg (v0.14.1 => v0.23.0)

Version 2.4.4 - Maintenance update : Improve error messages when saving invalid SVGs as templates.

Version 2.4.5 Bugfix update : Compatibility update with SV/StandardLib v1.14+, still compatible with SV/StandardLib v1.11+

Version 2.4.6 Bugfix update :
- Fix template validation ran on the master style instead of the current selected style
- Fix for upcoming XF2.3 compatibility, as Doctrine Cache been documented as being removed.

Version 2.4.8 - Bugfix update :
- Fix error running "xf:rebuild-master-data" when the exact template directory structure is missing and the SVG template is the first template compiled for that style.
- Fix possible compatibility issues with other add-ons extending SV/StandardLib's template helper code

Version 2.4.9 - Bugfix update :
- Fix SVG template validation was broken which could result in preventing adding a language or style from working correctly (or rebuilding master data)

Version 2.5.0 - Maintenance update :
This add-on is now avaliable on
  • Require php 7.2+
  • Require StandardLib v1.18.0+
  • If using resvg support, recommend updating to v0.35.0.
    Pre-compiled linux x86_64 binary has been made available here.
    Compiled on CentOS 7, works on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04
  • Document using resvg v0.35.0+ with "CLI - Pipe" mode, which avoid temporary files when converting SVGs to PNGs
    Example using resvg v0.35.0+, configure CLI - Pipe command with;
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Version 2.5.1 - Bugfix update :
- Fix internal server error being generated instead of a 404 when requesting an invalid svg.

Version 2.5.2 - Bugfix update :
- Fix "[E_DEPRECATED] strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated" when attempting to save a new template with an invalid name

Version 2.6.0; XF2.3 Compatibility update
  • Requires StandardLib v1.19.0+
  • If installed, requires Redis Cache 2.17.0+
  • XF2.3 compatibility update
  • php 8.4 compatibility fix
Version 2.6.1 - Bugfix update :
- Fix XF2.3 style variations support for getSvgUrl() in style properties
XF 2.1 / 2.2  Advanced Bb Codes Pack  1.12.7
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  [XFA] Users Ratings/Reputations System  1.2.0


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