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[xenbros] whatsapp Chat

XF 2.1 [xenbros] whatsapp Chat 2.0.1

xenbros whatsapp Chat-1.webp

Description :

Click on Pour discuss with the user directly on your website.

There is one of the best ways to connect and interact with your client.

You can offer helpful directness, strengthen the confidence and increase the customer's loyalty.

Multi Person Support
Single Person Support
Fully Responsive
Fully Customization
Schedule by Time online/offline
Weekend On/OFF
Unlimited Contact
Online / Offline Status


xenbros whatsapp Chat-2.webp

xenbros whatsapp Chat-3.webp


After installing the addon, you have all the optional settings and set the default text. Then you need to create chat users in it by adding a title, number, avatar, and online time.

When a customer clicks on an account they want to chat, they are redirected to the WhatsApp app if they are on a mobile site or to WhatsApp web if they are on their desktop.


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